Gravette's Baby Shower Cake!

"Hey Juls, can you make a cake for a very, very special friend of mine? she'll call you" He asked....after a few phone calls, he sent me a bb "haa! Juls, is that price you billed her the best you can do?""Hi! but, she asked my opinion on design for a baby shower cake and i billed her accordingly!""Na wa o!?"...anyways, long story short, Gravette called and asked to go ahead with the order...After sensing their alarm at the bill for the cake, I figured the only way to quell the 'despair' is to really wow them!
It took just about an hour to craft a 3rd trimester pregnant beau in sexy, hot clads.
I sent Gravette a text "Hey, your cake is show-stopping!""Wow! really? cant wait to see it!"...I was still at Toastmasters’ when my phone kept buzzing, twas Gravette bugging me, wanting to see this 'phenomenal’ cake.I sent a pic to Jinmi and he screamed "that cake is borderline!" lol!
When Gravette saw it, her jaw dropped and all the ladies in the house (and guys too). They were too shell-shocked at the eccentric design to laugh... twas my turn to laugh my heart out...

Later on, got a text message from Gravette "Oh, dear Juliet, that cake was a hit! thanks for a fantastic job!"
Someone else said "eeew! Juls! i couldnt possibly cut through this cake, she's pregnant for pete's sakes! That's murder! There's a baby in there!" lol!!!!!
Another person said, I could have put a 'baby-cake' in there, so when you cut, you see a baby in there!"
At that point (after imagining how i'd have had to dunk it in liquid jello of some sort to create amniotic fluid around the 'baby' that's some serious borderline! a serious case of grotesque twisted humor!
I had great fun with the reactions and feedbacks I got from the cake.
Feel free to email me ideas that are really out of the box, so we can go on some serious over the top sugarcrafting!…
Nothing is really impossible, because impossible is nothing, really!
